Creating QuickBooks Class Types

**NOTE - this setup is only necessary if you have a Quickbooks DESKTOP integration. QuickBooks Online users will have Class Types automatically created when importing Accounts**

If you integrate with the QuickBooks Desktop accounting package, you can assign classes (and sub-classes) to your individual revenue items so that any revenue you post using that item gets posted to the corresponding class in QuickBooks.  You will need to set up a separate revenue item for each different class/sub-class that you use - click here for more details on setting up revenue items.

1. Go to Admin > Manage Codes > Revenue Codes > Class Type Codes.

2. Click Add a Class Type:


3. A new, blank line will appear in the grid. Click in the Class Name box to open a cursor and begin typing the class name, exactly as it appears in QuickBooks, into the field. If you use sub-classes, enter the class then a single colon, then the subclass (class:subclass, e.g. ADMIN:Jan17).


4. Click in the Description field and enter a description of the class.

5. You can add as many classes and sub-classes as you need, then be sure to click Save at the top.


Note that once you have created your list of classes, you will need to assign them to your revenue items for them to appear in your posting screen.  When posting to QuickBooks, you will see a journal entry for each class displayed.

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