Manage and Set Up User Roles

A User Role is a set of permissions that lets employees access specific areas of your data. You assign User Roles to each user when they are set up under 'Manage System Users.' Typically, User Roles are named after positions/roles in your organization.

  1. In the main menu, go to Admin > Manage Codes, then click User Codes > User Roles.
  2. Click Add a User Role to add a new User Role, or select a User Role in the grid to edit an existing Role.
  3. To change the permissions associated with the selected Role, click the the Actions dropdown in the grid and choose "Edit Security Settings."
  4. Each separate database 'Security Element' is listed on the left. These are the different features/areas in MC Trade that can be turned on or off.
  5. To modify the permissions on any Security Element, click the Access Type you want for each element. You can set each element to Full Access, Read Only (the user will be able to see the feature and the data within, but make no changes), or No Access (the user will not see the feature at all when they are logged in to MC Trade).
  6. Once the permissions have been set appropriately, click Save.

Available User Roles

MC Trade includes the following default User Roles, each with its own set of editable permissions for Full, Read Only and No Access to certain areas of the software. Note: these roles are just suggestions. Each association should determine their own security settings for each User Role and employee.

Role Description
Administrator MC Trade System Administrators
Events Manager Manages Events For the Organization
Events Staff Coordinates Events For the Organization
Executive Staff Executive Managers in the Organization
Finance Manager Finance and Administration Manager
Finance Staff Finance and Administration Staff
Foundation Foundation Staff
FrontDesk Front Desk / Administrative Support Staff
Membership Manager Manages Membership For the Organization
Membership Staff Provides Membership Services
Volunteer Org Volunteer


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