The Event Details page allows you to get the time and place of an event, a breakdown of available event items and their cost, and much more.
When looking at the calendar and clicking an event, a summary window will appear that offers some information such as the date and time. At the bottom of the window is a View Event Details button.
This button will put you on a page that has all of the event information including:
- The event name
- The event image
- Date of the event
- Start time - end time (time zone)
- Location
- Directions to the event
- Profile name that is hosting the event
- The address of the location
- Register Now button: this will be hidden if "Disable Registration" is checked
- The long description of the event
- Sponsor logos, names, and messages
- Google map to assist with directions: this will only display if you have entered a valid Google Maps API key in your directory settings
- A list of available event Items with prices and expiration dates
- A second Register Now button
- A form to send a question about the event
- A section display event sign up and attendee information, if "Show Current Attendees" is checked for the event
Click here for more information on configuring the fields and settings that determine how this page displays.