Running Statements

In MC Trade, Statements are reports that can be run at any time to show members (or any profiles) how much money they owe you. When you run them, MC Trade will list the important information for every open invoice on one consolidated report. There are two standard Statement reports in MC Trade:

  • Statement for a Specific Profile
  • Statements for all Profiles that have Open Invoices

Running a Statement for a Single Profile

There are two ways to run a Statement Report for a single profile:

  1. Go to the Reports > Run a Report.
  2. Click on the Revenue Reports > Statement Reports > Statement by Profile ID.
  3. When the report asks, enter the Profile ID of the Profile in question


  1. Find and open the profile.
  2. On the Revenue panel, click View Transactions.
  3. Place a check next to the invoice(s).
  4. Click Actions (above the grid) and Print Statement.

Running Statements for All Profiles with Open Invoices

Follow these steps to run Statements for All Profiles with Open Invoices:

  1. Go to Reports > Run a Report.
  2. Click on the Revenue Reports > Statement Reports > Statement (All Profiles with Open Invoices)

The Statements Report will run with each Profile having it's own Statement included in the report


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