Integrating CardPointe with MC Trade


MC Trade integrates with Card Connect's CardPointe as a Credit Card Gateway, so that you can securely accept online credit card payments through your website and through MC Trade.

Using this integration requires that you set up an account with Card Connect. If you run multiple entities through Entity Management Features, you can set up and run multiple credit card gateways - one for each entity.

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Adding the CardPointe Gateway

  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Global Settings.
  2. Click on the Integrations tab and remain on Credit Card Gateway.

  1. Click Add a Gateway (top right).

  1. Enter a Name to describe this gateway and, for Gateway Type, choose CardPointe.

  1. Enter the Merchant ID.
  2. Enter the integration's Username and Password provided by CardPointe.

The "production credentials" for this are separate from the username and password that you use to log into CardPointe, and can be provided by CardPointe support if you do not already have them.

  1. Click Save.

After adding your gateway, you need to update your Payment Type(s).

If you plan on using Automatic Recurring Billing, place a check next to Enable ARB.

If you use the CardPointe gateway, you may not use the gateway direct-refund legacy feature in the Credit Card Payment Processing right-click menu. CardPointe (and all other gateways) should use the Adjustment tool to process refunds: Create an Adjustment on an Invoice/Payment.

CardPointe gateways set up through the vendor relationship with MC Trade may have limited ARB functionality available. CardPointe gateways set up independently of the MC Trade vendor relationship or created after January 2022 do not have ARB functionality available with MC Trade.

You may create multiple gateways if you have multiple CardPointe accounts, however you cannot use any other gateway integration (i.e., or Beanstream) in conjunction with a CardPointe gateway. If you are switching from a previous gateway type, you can inactivate that gateway by editing the gateway and change the Gateway Type to "None." 

Editing the CardPointe Gateway

  1. Click on the Admin menu and then Global Settings.
  2. Click on the Integrations tab and remain on Credit Card Gateway.

  1. Next to the CardPointe gateway, click Actions, and Edit.

  1. After making the desired changes, click Save.

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Deleting the CardPointe Gateway

  1. Click on the Integrations tab and remain on Credit Card Gateway.

  1. Next to the CardPointe gateway, click Actions, and Delete.

  1. Click Delete to confirm.

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