Profile Relationships Overview

Profiles in MC Trade can be related to one another as a way to shows employment, ownership, or relationship status.

There are many reasons to relate Profiles to one another. For instance, you may want to relate an Organization's employee Profiles to the organization, allowing easy access to their employee’s Profile information. This way, you can look at an organization's Related Profiles and instantly see a list of all their employees. As things change and people come and go, you can also delete and modify these relations as needed. For example: when a Member's employee leaves or gets promoted, you can easily make the necessary modifications.

A Primary Relation is for individuals that are currently, actively working with/for the main organization. The only Primary Relation that is defaulted by MC Trade is Employee vs. Employer, but you may create your own Primary Relations depending on how you would like to further segment this type of relation (for example, Board Members or Owners of companies). It is suggested that you use caution when creating Primary Relations so that you may utilize this option to its fullest extent.

Because you can configure your own Relationship Types, you can create and track virtually any sort of relationship type between two profiles. Typical examples of relationships between two profiles include the following:

  • Employer and Employee
  • Parent Company and Subsidiary
  • Property and Management Company
  • Corporate Office and Branch Location

When the relationship between two profiles changes, MC Trade allows you to preserve that history by updating the relationship to a more accurate status. Every Relationship Type in MC Trade should have the reverse relationship:

  • Former Employer and Former Employee
  • Former Parent Company and Former Subsidiary
  • Former Property and Former Management Company
  • Former Corporate Office and Former Branch Location

There are also certain characteristics about Relationships between Profiles that allow you to further define how the two Profiles are Related to each other, and what one Profile can do in MC Trade because of that Relationship:

  • Main Profile - signifies that the Profile being related to another Profile should be identified as the primary contact person or company for the original Profile
  • Primary Relationship - signifies that the relationship between the two Profiles is current and important
    • Editor - grants access for the related profile to Edit or Change information about the original Profile through the online Profile Update Form.
  • Billing Contact - identifies the default Related Profile as the one who should be used as the Communicate With Profile on any invoice created for the original Profile
  • Receives Communication - acts as a data point to identify that the Related Profile should be included in Communications sent to the Original Profile

Finally, creating Relationships between profiles can extend certain benefits or abilities to the related profile. Below are some of the activities in WebLink Connect or your website that Related Profiles can take advantage of based on their Relationships to other Profiles:

  • Discounted entry for an Event Item
  • Access to the Members Only Area of your website
  • Inclusion on bulk emails
  • Inclusion in the drop process for parent company memberships
  • Inclusion in searches, such as in the Profile Selector



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