When sending an email through the mass email tool in MC Trade, there are a number of "Special Fields" you can add to your message that generate links in the system. The links will direct a user to a specific page in the portal, some of which are restricted and will require login if the user is not already authenticated. Others will allow the user to view the content and that specific page, but not access other restricted pages if they aren't logged in. These Special Fields include, but are not limited to the below:
This will create a unique link that will send the recipient to the Open Invoices page of the member portal, for the Profile ID in the 'To' field in the Profiles tab when composing your message. The recipient will NOT need to log in to view this page, and will be able to view and print, or pay any of the invoices for that profile. However, to save a card on file, enable automatic billing or access any other areas of the portal, the user will be prompted to log in with their username and password to verify their identity.
This will display a username for the profile to which the email was sent, and/or the email address if the profile has never set up a user account. It will also include a link to "set password" which will take them to the authentication password reset page for your organization.
The Password Reset link is only valid for 24 hours.
They will be prompted to enter their new password twice and confirm, and will then be able to log in to the member portal with those credentials.
This will create a unique link that will land on the "Profile Edit" page of the Member portal. If the user is already authenticated in their browser from a previous login, they will land directly on the profile edit page. If they are not authenticated, they will be asked for their username and password before being redirected to the profile edit page.
This will create a unique link that will land on the "Profile Edit" page of the Member portal, where the user can update their affiliation codes that you've configured to be available in the member portal. If the user is already authenticated in their browser from a previous login, they will land directly on the profile edit page. If they are not authenticated, they will be asked for their username and password before being redirected to the profile edit page.
This will create a unique link that loads the online referral/value report for the profile to which the email was sent. You can update the date range to what you'd like them to see when they first land on the report. The user will not be prompted to log in to be able to view the report, but they will need to log in if they navigate to any other pages of the member portal, if not already authenticated.