The MC Trade Dashboard contains several elements:
Profile Quick Search - begin typing the name or Profile ID number of any profile to view results and open the profile to view, edit, or see transactions
Membership analytics, including joins, drops and member retention
Upcoming Events for the next 6 months
Finance summaries showing dues and non-dues aging amounts
My Reports for quicklinks to your favorite reports
My Tasks: a list of your upcoming to-do items
My Sales Opportunities: a list of your open Sales Ops
To configure which of these sections show on your dashboard, click the Show/Hide Sections link in the upper right corner (see more details below).
One of the most important metrics any membership organization tracks is your member retention over time. The first section of the dashboard displays your year-to-date Member Activity, including joins, drops, and member renewal rates.
New Members: the total count of member profiles with an "Add" Member Activity record in the date range
New Investment: the sum of the dues billing records of those new members
Dropped Members: the total count of profiles with a "Drop" Member Activity record in the date range
Lost Investment: the sum of the dues billing records inactivated on or after the date dropped
Gain (Loss): the count of new members minus the count of lost members
Gain (Loss) Investment: the sum of new investment minus lost investment
Total Members: the count of member profiles as of the current date
Accounts Billed: count of unique profiles with at least one Dues invoice apply date in the date range
- The Revenue Item of the line item in the date range is set as a "Dues Type" and the amount (unadjusted) of the invoice line item is greater than 0
- The profile does NOT have an "Add" Member Activity in the date range
- Profiles with multiple dues invoices in the date range are counted only once
Accounts Paid: count of unique profiles who have paid the invoices in the Accounts Billed category
- Any payment towards the invoice from the Accounts Billed category (including partial payments, from any date) will count towards the Accounts Paid total number.
- Profiles with multiple dues invoices in the date range are counted once if they have made at least one payment to any one of their dues invoices in the Accounts Billed category
- Member Retention: percentage of the Accounts Paid out of the Accounts Billed
Amount Billed: the sum of the unadjusted Amount of the Dues invoice line items with apply dates in the date range (from the invoices in the Accounts Billed category above)
- If there are multiple invoices in the Accounts Billed category, this number will reflect the SUM of the line item amount for all of them.
Amount Paid: the sum of the payment amounts for the dues invoices in the date range
- If there are multiple payments against the invoices in the Accounts Billed category, this number will reflect the SUM of the payment amount for all of them.
- Investment Retention: percentage of the Amount Paid out of the Amount Billed
Note: the unique count of member profiles in "Members Billed" and "Members Paid" only counts each profile once within the date range you select for the report. If a member was billed/paid multiple times within that date range (for example via monthly billing), that member will only be counted once in each of these columns.
Both of the Membership sections can be expanded to show each of these numbers broken down by Membership Level by clicking "Show All Levels" in the upper right corner of the grid.
Below these tables, you have two charts representing the data visually:
Investment Retention shows a graphical representation of your current retention percentage for the date range selected out of a total of 100.
The New/Dropped members chart only shows your joins/drops for the last 6 months of your selected date range - it may not match the summarized chart above exactly, since it is running each month individually rather than the full date range as noted above, and is based solely on join and drop activities in each of those months.
In addition, this section has quick links to run our most popular Engagement and Membership reports, which will open in a new tab.
Upcoming Events
This section displays the upcoming organizational events (excluding Community-only events). The date and time, current attendee count, and current total of revenue invoiced are displayed. The name of each event is a link to open and work with the event, and the grid can be expanded to view all events up to 6 months in the future by clicking the link in the upper right corner of the grid.
Note that this section is hidden for users who do not have access to the "Event Reports" security element for their user role.
The finance section contains aging summary reports, separated by totals for both Dues and Non-Dues revenue. These are adjusted invoice line item totals, grouped by aging period based on the Due Date of the invoice. The percentage of the total outstanding is displayed for each aging period.
In addition, this section has quick links to run our most popular Financial Reports, which will open in a new tab.
Note that this section is hidden for users who do not have access to the "Revenue Reports" security element for their user role.
My Reports
If you have any standard or custom reports not covered in the Membership/Financial sections above that you would like quick access to, you can set that up in the My Reports section. Click Select My Reports to see a list of all standard reports, with checkboxes next to the reports you would like to pin to your dashboard. If you have custom versions of any of these standard reports, they will run when you click the Report Name from your dashboard.
Show/Hide Sections
The Dashboard has several settings to configure how the panels display on your dashboard. Click Show/Hide Sections in the upper right corner.
To hide any section, uncheck the checkbox next to the section. If you would like to set the default Membership Date Range to something other than the default Year to Date, you can also set that here. If you use Tasks and/or Sales Opportunities and would like to display those at the top above everything else, check Show At Top on either or both of those sections so they are the first thing you see above everything else. This configuration must be done for each user to configure their own dashboard sections and settings.