Resolution Finding Profiles by Affiliation Codes will allow you to look up profiles by the affiliations to which they are or are not assigned. Follow these steps to find profiles by Affiliation Code Info: 1. Go to Profiles > Select Profiles. 2. Click the Affiliation Code Info tab. 3. In the top left box on this tab, you'll see a list of all Affiliation Codes grouped by type. Expand to see the affiliations within each type. This top section will allow you to add affiliations that MUST be on the profile in the results grid. Select as many as you want to search by and click >> to add them to the list. You can then determine whether the profile must have all or any of the selected codes. 4. If you want to search for profiles that do NOT have certain Affiliations, you can select those in the bottom box and add them to the section that filters out profiles that do not have the selected affiliation codes. 5. After selecting include or exclude, click Run This Search. 6. To run the search, click the Preview button. Your results will then appear in the Data Grid. Advanced lookups: - Profiles must have ALL or ONE of: Choosing ALL means that when several Affiliation Codes are selected, the only Profiles returned are those that are assigned to all the chosen Affiliation Codes. Choosing ONE means that when several Affiliation Codes are selected, the only Profiles returned are those that have at least one of the chosen Affiliation Codes. - You can add criteria from other tabs in the Profile Selector to Affiliation Code searches. For example, to find only MEMBERS who have a certain Affiliation, run the search as directed above, and add 'Member = True' as another criteria on the Profile Info tab.