Release Notice - 16.6 - 6/14/2016

As part of our commitment to excellence and customer success, we’re happy to announce several enhancements and improvements to WebLink Connect to help you manage your organization more efficiently and effectively. As with previous releases, we will roll out these changes in stages beginning Tuesday, June 14.  All customers will have the release by Tuesday, June 21.

Add a Member - Easier Than Ever!

As a continuation of our recent features to streamline and improve Membership Management in WebLink Connect, we are excited to announce a new feature to help you quickly and easily add members to your database. The new "Add a Member" feature uses our browser technology to guide you through the process of creating a new member profile (or turning a prospect into a member), and incorporates our Membership Level Management settings to eliminate as much manual data entry as possible.


With this release, you'll see a new "Add a Member" menu item and have the option to use the Add a Member process whenever you check the "Member" checkbox on a profile. You'll be able to quickly enter the relevant membership information, including selecting a Membership Level to pre-load all of the configured information for that level, including billing records, listing levels, and affiliation codes. Click here for more information.


You can also add new related profiles to your member profiles in a much more streamlined way, saving you time and effort.



Membership Level Management: Related Profile Affiliation Codes

In our April release, we introduced Membership Level Management as a way to configure your membership and make data entry quick and painless. With this release, we are adding a new configuration option to Membership Level Management: Related Profile Affiliation Codes. This allows you to select not only the affiliation codes that should be assigned to the member itself, but also any affiliation codes that should be assigned to related employees profiles of that member. For example, if all employees of a Gold Level member get subscribed to your Monthly Community Update email, you can set up a related profile affiliation code for "Monthly Community Update" on the Gold Level membership to have those related profiles automatically get that affiliation code.



Bug Fixes and Other Improvements

  • Added ability to split payments for Related Revenue Items in mass in the Payment Selector
  • Added an option to make Related Revenue Items "Inactive"
  • Updated Mass Communicator pre-configured data views to load profiles in the To: grid before sending
  • Fixed an issue with copying custom fields
  • Updated Member Drop Tool to only remove affiliation codes from primary related profiles (instead of all related)
  • Added "Country" as a configurable field to add to the Profile Selector grid
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