This article is intended for MC Trade clients who are part of the browser Profiles/Revenue module project. If you are interested in becoming a tester, please contact
With our 19.12 software update, we've added more features to the new Revenue pages (Create Invoice, View Transactions, Invoice Selector) that we introduced earlier this month:
View Transactions: Actions on grid
On the Transactions history page for a profile, the Actions dropdowns for each row and the grid-level Actions dropdown for all selected invoices now have the following options:
- Print: runs a printable view of your organization's Invoice template
- Email: prompts you for an email template (optional), then opens a new email in the Mass Communicator with the profile selected, the billing contact's email, and a "[[Printable Invoice]]" special field included at the bottom of your message for the recipient to click and download a printable version of the invoice(s) you selected). Click here to learn more.
- Print Statement: runs a printable version of your organization's Statement report for the profile's open invoices
- View Online Bill Pay page: links you to your Online Bill Pay page in the Member Portal, logged in as the member
Updated Invoice Selector search options
In the previous version of the Invoice Selector, your search was lost and started over each time you navigated back to the Invoice Selector. We made those results "sticky" so you can navigate away and return to them, and also gave you a "Clear this search" button in case you do want to start over. Watch next month for "Actions" coming on this grid, too!
Tweaked a few things:
- Populate default values when adding a new Listing to a profile
- Update the look/feel of the Pricing fields when adding a new billing or line item, to hide the Base Price and Flat Fee fields unless you use that unique pricing structure (most users just use Unit Price).
- Fixed an issue that created the incorrect Member Activity when using "Add as a Member" with an existing profile