Set a Supplier's Business Category

The Category Listing indicates the business/industry category of your Supplier members, and also can be used to populate your online business directory.

1. Open the Supplier profile for which you want to create the category listing, and click the Listings tab.
2. Right click in the datagrid, and select New Listing.

3. On the first tab, choose a category from the drop down box.

4. Next there are four check boxes, these will allow you to make your listing a primary listing, a web listing, a print listing and an active listing. All boxes are checked by default, and generally should all remain checked.  If this is a secondary listing, uncheck the 'Primary' checkbox.  The 'Active' checkbox MUST be checked for this listing to appear in your online directly.


5. To enter a description for this Supplier, click the Business Description tab.  Enter the description into the Long Business Description field at the top.


6. You can change any other settings on the remaining tabs, though these are all optional.  For more information on these, see the article 'Enhance a Member's Listing.'

7. Click Save.

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