This article is intended for MC Trade clients who are part of the Sales Opportunities Alpha Testing project. If you are interested in becoming a tester, please contact
With our 20.10 software update, you will be able to access the following new sections in the browser version of MC Trade (you must be logged in to the browser to see these pages):
Sales Opportunities Search
To search for any Sales Opportunities that currently exist in your database, go to Profiles > Sales Opportunities. All open Sales Opportunities are loaded into the search results by default, and you can filter further using the fields at the top, and/or expand the search by including Closed or Lost Sales Opportunities.
Sales Opportunities on a Profile
When viewing a profile that has a Sales Opportunity assigned to it (either past or present), under the Contacts section in the Profile View you'll see a new section for Sales Opportunities. This displays any open Sales Opportunities first, with the Revenue Item, Amount, Estimated Close and other details. You can click Edit to update any of the information, including setting the Sales Opportunity to Closed or Lost and adding the corresponding details.
Add/Edit Sales Opportunities
To add a new Sales Opportunity, you can click "Add a Sales Opportunity" from a profile directly, or from the Sales Opportunities search page (you'll first find the profile to assign to the new Sales Opportunity). You can add the specific person you're working with, the Revenue Item, Estimated Amount, Estimated Close, Probability, Assigned To, Started date, Source, and Notes. When editing a Sales Opportunity, you can also set the Status to Closed or Lost, which will display the Actual Amount or Lost Reason, along with the date Closed/Lost.
Sales Opportunities Dashboard
Finally, we've added a section at the bottom of your browser dashboard to display any open Sales Opportunities, that are assigned specifically to you. You'll also see the "Last Contacted Date" displayed, which currently only displays contacts that were added from within the Sales Opportunity (we're updating that soon so you'll see any contacts made by you specifically for that profile). In the Actions dropdown, you can edit the Sales Opportunity (or delete it), or you can Add a Contact to the profile straight from this screen. The normal Contact form appears, and that contact will appear on the Contact History for the profile and update your "Last Contacted Date." You can also click on the profile name to navigate to and edit that profile.