Committee Module Alpha Testing - 7-7-2020

This article is intended for MC Trade customers who are part of the Committees Alpha Testing project. If you are interested in becoming a tester, please contact

With our 20.17 software update, the following updates have been made to the new Committee features in the browser:


  • Add and Edit Committee Meetings: within a Committee, click the Committee Meetings tab to view/edit existing meetings, as well as add new meetings. 
    • Note that the new "upload" option for Agenda and Minutes is coming soon, but is not yet operational
  • Record Meeting Attendance: on a meeting record, click to the Attendance tab to see a list of all active Committee Members, and check "Attended" to record their attendance at the meeting.
  • Add Meeting Guests: to add a profile that is not a Committee Member to a meeting, click Add a Guest. Search for their profile, and click Select to add them to the Committee Meeting list of attendees.
  • Automatically Inactivate Committee Members: in the Committee Details section of any committee, select the option "Inactivate Members on Expiration Date". Each night, the system will search for any members on that committee that have a Term Expires date that is greater than the Member Since date (ignoring all those that do not expire), and it will flag them as inactive. This setting is on a per-committee basis, and needs to be set on each committee for which you want to automatically inactivate members.
  • Committee Member Actions: select all or some Committee Members from the grid within any Committee, then click the Actions dropdown to:
    • Email all members: opens the Send Email tool with all selected members in the To field
    • Export: currently this just exports a list of names, but will shortly include all contact information as well
    • Flag as inactive: sets the selected members as Inactive, with a Date Inactive of the current date.
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