To view the submissions for any of your forms, go to Communication > Form Builder, and find the selected form. Click on the hyperlinked number of submissions to view the profiles that submitted that form during the past year, or you can click View Submissions from the form builder for any form. You can change the date range using the search at the top.
For each submission, you'll see the date submitted, the name of the primary submitting profile with their profile ID if applicable, as well as a hyperlink to view the profile if there is one. The invoice number associated with the form is also displayed, with a link to view/edit that invoice, and the invoice total amount. In the upper right corner of the results grid, you have an option to Export all of the submissions currently in the date range selected to a CSV file with a column for each questions/field response.
In the Actions menu for each submission, you'll see the following options (based on whether the submission is already linked to a profile):
View Submission: displays the values submitted in a pop-up window, laid out in an easy-to-read view
Delete Submission: will completely delete all record of this form submission. Note that if a profile or invoice was created for the submission, those items will NOT be deleted, only the submission record tied to the form in this window will be removed.
Link Profile: if there is not already a profile for this submission, this option allows you to choose an existing profile to assign to the submission. All values will be applied as if the profile were logged in when they submitted the form, and the invoice will be moved to the linked profile.
Create Profile: if there is not already a profile for this submission, one will be created using all of the values from the submission and the invoice will be moved to the new profile.
Merge Profile: this option will be displayed if the submission is linked to a profile, and will open the Merge Profiles window with the new profile already loaded into the merge tool. You can select the search option to find the profile you want to merge in, and all information that was created with the response will be moved to the existing profile (or vice versa, depending on your selections on this screen). Click here for more information on merging profiles.