Accessible from the home profile view as well as the menu, this page displays all invoices related to the logged-in profile. It will include all invoices on their own profile and all invoices for profiles to which they are related as the main contact, editor, billing contact, or the "communicate with" profile (e.g., event registration invoice).
To view and download a PDF of any invoice, the member can click on the hyperlink invoice number in the grid. The PDF will open in a new tab in their browser.
To pay one or more invoices, members will check the checkbox next to the invoice(s) they want to pay and click Pay Now. If a Related Revenue Item (such as a voluntary PAC contribution) has been configured for the invoice, the member will be prompted to opt in/out of the item before continuing to the payment form. Click here for more details on Related Revenue Items.
The credit card payment form will then appear, with the total selected to pay at the top. The address will populate from the billing address of the profile, but can be changed to match the card being used if necessary. After entering card information and clicking Submit, the card will be charged based on your default online payment type and credit card gateway, and a receipt will be sent to the user entering the payment.
If you prefer for some invoices to be available to view/download but NOT to pay via credit card, you can set the invoice in MC Trade to be unavailable to pay through the portal. The member will still see the open invoice and can view/print, but cannot submit a credit card payment for that invoice.
Finally, if the invoice the member is paying is tied to an MC Trade billing record that has "Allow ARB opt-in" enabled:
the member can choose to pay future invoices for that billing through Automatic Recurring Billing. You must have ARB set up through your gateway and properly enabled in your system before this feature will be available to set on billings.
When the ARB checkbox is selected on payment, that open invoice will be paid, the billing record to which it is linked will be inactivated, and a new, future billing record will be set up for the next upcoming billing cycle with an ARB linked through your gateway to charge the card automatically each cycle.
Your members will also be able to opt in to Automatic Recurring Billing in the middle of this cycle, from the Profile View of the profile to which the billing record belongs. If available, the amount and item will display with a button to enable ARB:
Clicking this button will prompt the user for their card information and give the opt-in checkbox as above, but will not charge for active payment, instead submitting to the gateway to create an ARB for the following billing cycle for that member.