Website Settings Tab (Premium Websites)

Note that this article applies only to MC Trade clients who have purchased a Premium Website. Click here to learn more.


What is the purpose of the Settings tab in MemberClicks Premium Websites?

Settings are site-wide options that as an end-user, you can make changes to.  Understand that some of the options in Settings have a powerful impact on your site and can cause the site to not respond based on the changes made, please use caution in this part of your MemberClicks website.

What are the different options in General Settings?

Site Address - This identifies what domain ( is associated with this website.  This only should be changed if you are changing your primary domain and only after making DNS modifications for this change.

Site Title - This is the title that appears in the browser tab for your website when it is visited.

Favicon - This is the 32x32 or 16x16 image that appears in the browser tab for your website next to the title.

Site Password - When a value is entered, this will prevent ANY pages on your site from being viewed without the password entered.  This is not linked to your MC Trade database in any way.

Navigation - 'Group excess pages under "More..." when checked will prevent the Primary Navigation from moving to a second row if the first row has reached it's horizontal limit.

Site Formatting - Sets the standard Date, Time, Time Zone, and Language for your website.

Cookie Notification - Sets which visitors (based on IP Address) will see a banner at the top regarding cookies used on your website, with default or custom text, and is by default set to EU visitors per GDPR requirements.  A 'Cookie Opt-Out' widget is available to be placed on any page.

What are the different options in SEO Settings?

Site Description - This is the information displayed in Search Engine Results (e.g. Google, Bing, etc) for your overall website, page specific information will vary based on information on the page.

Meta Keywords - Most search engine websites source this information, but it doesn't carry much value overall and should be limited to a few keywords for your organization.

Footer Code - Code entered here is attached to the footer of every page of your website.

Header Code - Code entered here is attached to the header of every page of your website.

Hide Site from Search Engines - When enabled, your entire website will block Search Engines from crawling the pages for information.  This will negatively affect your website's SEO for search results and should always be disabled.  Individual pages can be set to block Search Engines crawlers from the settings on the page.

301 Redirects - For more information about 301 redirects, click here.  The 'Old URL' value will represent the path to the page (after the domain) from your no longer available website or a path you wish to use that is not the page name.  'Destination Page' is a drop-down that let's you select the page on your current website that you want to display for the visitor when the 'Old URL' is used.  If the page is an MC Trade Component page (e.g. Directory, Events, Members Only, etc) you will first need to setup an 'External Link' in 'Pages' for that page, before adding the 301 redirect.

What are the different options in Members Settings?

This section is not currently integrated with your MC Trade database and will not authenticate members based on their username/password or membership in MC Trade.

Member/Group information can be imported or added individually to be used to restrict access to pages in your website.  Username/Password values for Premium Website member restricted pages must be edited in this section and will not authenticate to the MC Trade Members Only portal, which uses the credentials in the database.  Effectively this is an independent website member restriction only.

Show "Log In' in site menu - When checked, this adds an element to the primary navigation for the visitor to login using the Premium Website member credentials.  This should be unchecked.

Allow people to register with your site - When checked, this adds an option on the website member login page for visitors to register with the site.  Information entered will not be synced to your MC Trade database.

Members / Groups - Allow you to add members and sort them into groups for access to website pages and is not synced to your MC Trade database.

What are the different options in Blog Settings?

General Blog Settings - Allows you to set on blog pages: Posts per page, Share Button (options), Sidebar display, unique Header/Footer code (blog post page only).

Commenting System - Sets the whether you want blog post comments to be controlled through the website or directly integrated with Facebook or Disqus.  While Facebook/Disqus integration will give your posts more visibility, you will lose the ability to moderate comments and control whether individual comments display on a post.

Comment Default - The default option for post comments.  This can be changed on individual blog posts.

Auto Close Comments - Set if comments close automatically 30, 60, or 90 days after the post.

Spam Protection - Set Smart or Legacy CAPTCHA before posting to prevent spam.

Spam Moderation - Using common keywords, this filters comments to a separate section where the user can approve the comment before posting.

Notify me of new comments - Allows you to set the email address to be notified when new comments are entered on a blog.  Comment notifications can be disabled here as well.

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