Managing Venues

The “Venues” section is where you will enter information about your event’s venue(s).  To add a venue simply click on the orange “+” icon.


Once the “New Venue” card appears, can begin filling out the venue’s details.  The details for each venue are divided between four tabs: “Details,” “Rooms,” “Floor Plan,” and “Map.”


Details Tab

The “Details” tab is where you will enter information such as the venue name, description, website address, phone number, and address.



Rooms Tab

If your event takes places across multiple rooms at the venue, you can use the “Rooms” tab to enter information for each room.  These rooms can then be assigned to your event’s sessions so attendees know where each session takes place.  To add a room, simply click the “+” icon and fill out the relevant information.  See the screenshot below for an example.


NOTE:  You can also import venue rooms by clicking on the Screen_Shot_2019-04-03_at_1.58.27_PM.png icon.  Once you’ve clicked on the and follow the instructions on the popup.  Once you’ve downloaded the exhibitor template, you can read instructions on how to fill out the import template by clicking on the “Instructions” tab at the bottom of the excel file.


Floor Plan Tab

The “Floor Plan” tab is where you will upload the venue’s floor plan or map.  To do so, simply click on the “image” icon in the content editor and follow the instructions to upload the venue’s floor plan.  Once uploaded, the floor plan will appear within the floor plan tile of your organization’s app.


Map Tab

The “Map” tab simply provides a Google Maps display of your venue based on the address entered on the "Details" tab.  This also appears within the app for use by those attending your conference or event.


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