Create an Adjustment on an Invoice/Payment

To write off an open line item, apply a discount, or refund a payment, open the invoice you would like to adjust. You can search for the profile and click View Transactions to find the invoice, or go to Revenue > Select Invoices to search by profile or Invoice Number. 

To create an adjustment on a line item, click the Line Item Adjustments tab on the left. Click Add a Line Item Adjustment. 


  • The Adjustment Date and Apply Date default to the current date. You can change these dates (particularly if you are adjusting a line item with an apply date in the future), but we recommend keeping them as the same date.
  • Enter an Adjustment Amount. If the invoice has multiple line items to adjust, enter the full amount of the adjustment here. It will automatically be split between any open line items. 
  • Choose an Adjustment Type. This will inform the correct accounts to adjust in your accounting software. 
  • Enter an Adjustment Description if desired. This appears on any printed invoice explaining the adjustment.

To create an adjustment on a payment, click the Payment Adjustments tab on the left, and click Add a Payment Adjustment. 


  • The Adjustment Date and Apply Date default to the current date. 
  • Enter an Adjustment Amount. If the invoice has multiple payments to adjust, enter the full amount of the adjustment here. It will automatically be split between all payments. 
  • Choose an Adjustment Type. This will inform the correct accounts to adjust in your accounting software. 
  • Enter an Adjustment Description if desired. This appears on any printed invoice explaining the adjustment.

Once you've entered all necessary adjustment details, click Save at the top. The invoice will be updated with the adjustments applied and reflected in the balance due. 

If one of the payments you selected to adjust was a Credit Card payment, you will be prompted to attempt a Credit Card refund. If you choose NOT to attempt, the adjustment will be saved without making any transaction to the gateway, leaving the original charge in place. If you choose yes, a refund will be attempted and you'll be notified if it's successful through the gateway. If the refund is not successful (for example, too much time has passed since the original charge), the response from your Credit Card gateway will be displayed to inform you, AND the adjustment will be saved. If you need to handle any reimbursements or create unapplied payments at that point, you will handle that outside of the invoice. 

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