U.S. Chamber Federation Partnership

Members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce may participate in the Federation Partnership Program, which offers complimentary U.S. Chamber membership to your small business members at no cost to you or to them.*

As a Federation Partner, your small businesses have access to the full resources of the U.S. Chamber, including thousands of pages of business toolkits, customizable legal documents, affinity partner savings, news alerts, and more. Click here to learn more about how you and your small businesses can benefit.

Plus, through the U.S. Chamber’s integration with MC Trade, your small business membership information will automatically sync with the Federation Partnership database. That means less staff time maintaining the program, and more time demonstrating to small businesses the value of a 2-for-1 membership with your organization and the U.S. Chamber.

Follow these steps to set up your integration:

  1. Go to Admin > U.S. Chamber Federation Partnership
  2. After reviewing the information, check that you Agree with all terms and conditions.
  3. Enter your U.S. Chamber ID and fill out the contact information
  4. Click Save.
That's it - you're enrolled! MC Trade will begin syncing your membership data within one week of enabling the integration.

Click here for more details on using MC Trade' integration with the U.S. Chamber Federation Partnership.

If you have any questions about the Federation Partnership or U.S. Chamber membership, please contact 202-463-5560 or federation@uschamber.com.


*Participation in the Federation Partnership Program is open to U.S. Chamber association and chamber of commerce members. As part of your U.S. Chamber membership dues, this member benefit comes at no additional cost to your organization and at no cost to your small business members.


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