The National Apartment Association periodically requires its Affiliates to submit Roster Reports of their members. This report has a specific set of information that needs to be included to be complete. MC Trade has two default methods for easily running and submitting this Roster Report:
Roster Report based off the Profile Number of Units Field
This report uses the number displayed in the General Tab of a Profile Record. It will use either the sum of the units from related Properties, or the value entered in as an Override. See images below.
This image shows a Management Company's unit count as the sum of units from Properties it manages. In this example, the Unit Count Reported on the Roster would be 680
This image shows a Property's unit count.
This image show's an Owner's Unit Count being overridden to display a Unit Count, because there are no related Properties for it to pull Units from. -
Roster Report based off the Billing Quantity
This report will use the Quantity entered into any Dues Billing Records applied to the profile. This process occurs if you elect to use Billing Records to calculate a hard-coded quantity amount instead of the Unit Count field.
Each of these reports are provided to Affiliates as Stock Reports accessible to you in your Reports Folders. Follow these steps to access and run one of these Roster Reports:
- Click Reports > Custom Reports. The Custom Report window will open.
- On the file path menu, click Reports , or click the Up Arrow to move up one level to the Reports folder.
- Double click the folder titled Naa. The NAA Report list will appear
- Double click the name of the Roster Report Version you want to run. The Report will display in the report Preview window.
- Click the Export icon and Save the Report as an Excel file.
- The report is now saved as an Excel file on your computer for further editing or submission.
Best Practices
- If you'd like this report to be more accessible, you can save it to your My Dashboard Reports screen.
- If for some reason you need a custom version of this export, you can use the Data Export / Reporting Tool (DERT) to create a custom Query. Click here for information on using the DERT.
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