NAHB Tab - Tracking NAHB Data - Home Builders Associations

To allow our Home Builder Association clients to track the unique membership data required by the National Association of Home Builders, MC Trade has a tab that appears between the General and Details tabs of a profile in the Profile Browser. In this tab you can enter information such as MSN/PIN numbers, Dollar Volume, Business Activities, and more.

Open any profile, and click the "NAHB" tab next to the General tab.


You'll see a number of fields that can be manually entered/edited, as well as some information displayed from other areas of your database. See below for an explanation of each item.

  • Company ID: ID number assigned by NAHB. This only appears on organization profiles.
  • HBA Number: the HBA number of the local HBA this member belongs to. If you are a local HBA, this will be the same for all profiles.
  • MSN: Membership number for the current/most recent membership of the profile
  • PIN: ID number assigned by NAHB. This only appears on individual profiles.
  • HBA Contact: this is the related profile in MC Trade flagged as the "Main Contact" for the profile you are viewing, along with their MSN or PIN. You can click on this link to open their profile.
  • Next Renewal Date: the date on which the next dues invoice will be due for this member, based on their billing record
  • Membership Type: the type/category of member this profile falls under
  • Membership Status: set list of NAHB statuses that you can choose from (does not update/affect Member checkbox of profile)
  • Number of Units: range in which this profile falls for total number of units
  • Dollar Volume: range in which this profile falls for business volume in dollars
  • Primary Business Activity: set list of NAHB business activity in which this profile participates  This is dependent on the membership type being set first, to allow for the proper selections to be available for each membership type.
  • Secondary/Tertiary Business Activity: option to indicate additional NAHB business activities for this profile
  • Last Export Tran Type: the NAHB transaction type of this profile the last time that they were exported and sent to NAHB.
  • Last Paid Dues Invoice Amount: the full amount of the last dues invoice this profile paid.
  • Last Dues Paid Date: the date on which the last dues invoice for this profile was paid.
  • Unpaid Dues Amount: the total of all outstanding dues invoices for this profile.
  • Membership Lapsed Date: the date on which this member was dropped (from the Member Activity tab in MC Trade).
  • Spike Credits: the number of credits this profile has accumulated (must be imported or manually entered).
  • Link to View All People Recruited: opens the "Spikee" profiles related to this profile in the Profile Browser
  • Referring Spike
    • Click Add a Spike to select a profile in your database that recruited this profile, if one is not already listed.
    • If a Spike is already listed, click on that person's name to view their profile, or click the "Change Spike" or "Remove Spike" links to change or delete the recruiting profile.
  • NOTE: if you are viewing an individual profile, you will also see a field for Contact Title, with a set list of NAHB titles to choose from:

Beneath all of the NAHB data, you'll see a blank data grid with a link to "Load Export History." If you'd like to view the last data that was exported to NAHB for this profile (and all previous exports as well), click this link. All data fields that were exported will load in the grid, for you to see.


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