As part of our commitment to your success, we’re happy to announce several improvements to MC Trade to help you manage your organization more efficiently and effectively. We will roll out these changes to all customers by November 19.
This release includes the following enhancements and fixes:
- Added the ability to sort by Related Organization in the Committee Members view
- Added the Profile Name to batch payment processing when searching by Invoice Number
- Added afternoon email times to the Recurring Email feature
- Fixed an issue that did not allow recurring emails to go out off-the-hour (10:45 AM for example)
- Fixed the "View/Print Open Invoices" action item from event Registrations
- Expanded the number of invoices that can be printed at one time in the Invoice Selector to 500 (selections of more than 500 invoices will need to be done in separate printing batches)
- Update charges to pass through line item and event details to the gateway, and return more specific error messages for end users
- Added a filter to the Profile Selector "Email search results" action to filter out profiles set to Do Not Email
- Fixed an issue in which Affiliation codes with an apostrophe could not be saved in the browser profile edit
- Fixed an issue viewing Certification Activity Source codes
- Fixed an issue with Related Revenue Item redirects in Online Bill Pay for members logging in as individuals and viewing their organization's invoices
- Fixed the "Date Changed" search criteria in the Profile Selector to search by the correct date
- Fixed an issue in the Profile Selector in which the Related Profiles search by Relation Type searches by the selected Relation Type, instead of the Inverse Relation Type
- Fixed an issue relating multiple profiles to an organization in the browser, where the incorrect profile would be stored in the browser and result in the relationship not saving
- Fixed an issue with the new ARB Import that caused multiple gateways and declined transactions to create invalid invoice/payment entries in MC Trade