Release Notes 21.10 - 6/8/2021

As part of our commitment to your success, we’re happy to announce several improvements to MC Trade to help you manage your organization more efficiently and effectively. We will roll out these changes to all customers by June 8, 2021.

Members Only Password Email and Reset Page Updates

In advance of the launch of our brand new Member Portal (see below!), this release includes some improvements to the look and feel of both the password retrieval email that members can use to set or reset their password, and the page on which the reset the password itself. You can now set custom text on both the reset request page and to appear within the email itself, under Admin > Global Settings in Web Preferences, under Member Portal Settings. 


If the user clicks "Forgot Password" from the login form on your website or event registration, they'll see the text in the first box along with a space to enter and submit their email address. The email that they then receive will contain the text in the second box, with their username and a hyperlink that says Click here: Set Password and is not displayed as plain text in the email as it was previously.

This release includes the following enhancements and fixes: 

  • Added support for multiple Branding Settings configuration for customers with multiple domains tied to Entities and/or separate Setting Batches in MC Trade. Click here for more details.
  • Fixed an issue with Declined ARB transactions in Bambora
  • Fixed an issue with selecting invoices on paginated sections of the Invoice Selector and choosing to send to selected invoices
  • Add Available on Website (for display in the online directory) to the Custom Fields edit screen in the browser
  • Added Sales Opportunity Lost Reasons and Sales Opportunity Probability codes to the browser

ALSO ANNOUNCING: an open Beta launch of the new and improved Member Portal!

Our engineers have been hard at work completely rebuilding the member experience for your members and related profiles. Based on your feedback, customer interviews and an extensive alpha testing period, we are excited to open up the new portal to all MC Trade customers with this release! 


You can learn more about the new portal here: Member Portal Overview.

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