BETA Release Notes 22.10 - 5/5/2022

This article is intended for MC Trade customers who are part of the Forms Beta Testing project. If you are interested in becoming a tester, please contact

With our 22.10 software update, the following updates have been made to the new Forms features:

  • Fixed an issue where the payment date on the invoice created was incorrect when corrected for timezone
  • Improved the submission lists where the profile id when a profile was created upon submission was not displaying the profile id and also not loading the invoice from the list
  • Corrected the functionality of an Open entry field element when it was set to be required
  • Improved user experience when creating a form by loading relevant default templates on the form builder
  • Improved billing record creation upon form submission by filling in the Unit Price and Billing Cycle on the profile
  • Fixed display issue with billing period on Purchase Items
  • Added the "View Submissions" hyperlink to the Join form
  • Improved security on the endpoints when submitting a form

Our engineering team is hard at work on exciting new features, coming soon! If you are interested in being an early tester for our new Form Builder for donation, prospect, and renewal online forms, please contact Lauren Bashaw at

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