- Fixed an issue with Reset Password link which was being blocked by Outlook
- Fixed a bug where Pricing Calculations on Purchase items wasn't accurate on forms (General and Donation)
- Fixed a bug where the Listing Element on a Prospect Form was throwing an error and not showing on the form
- When bill me is selected on any form, the option to "Subscribe to ARB" will not show up
- Fixed a bug where a comma (,) on the label of a field element on forms was splitting it into two columns when submissions were exported to an excel file
- Fixed an issue where "View Submission" on forms was freezing the page
- Fixed a bug where editing an event type on the browser was creating an additional record
- Fixed broken social media links on the Profile Update form on the Member Portal
- Fixed an issue with assigning CEU Requirement to Certification Types
- Fixed a display issue on Edit Profile Page when "Outside US/Canada" was selected for State/Province
- Fixed a display issue with "Available on Website" checkbox on a custom field
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