Release Notes 23.2 - 1/24/2023

As part of our commitment to your success, we're happy to announce several improvements to MC Trade to help you manage your organization more efficiently and effectively. We will roll out these changes to all customers on January 24, 2023.

Profile Edit: Listing Screen Updates

The Listings screen of the Profile Edit screen has been revamped with this release for improved visibility for multiple listings, clear add/delete workflows, and additional fields for managing online listings. 


The category or category/sub-category combination of each listing is displayed in a horizontal tab along the top of the edit screen, with the primary listing displayed first. You can click on the category name to select and view that listing and all corresponding fields. To add a new category listing, click the Add New link at the top and select a category. You can also delete a listing with the Delete button on that category's tab. 

At the bottom of the listing, you'll see a new, collapsed section called "Expand Listing Overrides." You can expand this section to see options for hiding certain fields from a member's listing, as well as entering alternate values for the information that appears in the listing: 


Profile Edit: Embedded Video

You can now add video embed code to a profile in the Profile Edit screen. This video can be displayed in the online directory for any listing configured to display embedded video. Most standard video embed codes will work for this field, including YouTube or Vimeo. 


This release also includes the following enhancements and fixes:

  • Fixed the following eCommerce issues:
    • Confirmation email going to profile instead of email entered on payment page
    • Added the Email and Phone number entered on the payment page as notes in the Customer Comments field on the invoice that gets created 
    • Removed credit card fields for free items so an invoice is created for $0 but no payment is required
    • Fixed an issue with PayPal payment gateway default field requirements
    • Fixed an issue in which some failed payments would allow purchase invoices to still complete successfully
  • Fixed an issue with Promo Code displaying as an incorrect percentage on Event Registration checkout
  • Fixed a permission error with users being able to access Community Events when their role is restricted from accessing the full events module. 
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