The Import Profiles tool is available to allow you to quickly add basic profile information to your database. With this tool, the following information can be imported into MC Trade:
Organization Profile Information:
Organization Name
External ID*
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Ext. (+4)
Work Phone
Phone Extension
Home/Other Phone
In addition to the above information for an organization, you can also import the following information about an Individual:
Individual First Name
Individual Last Name
Individual MI
Individual Prefix
Individual Suffix
Job Title
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Ext. (+4)
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Phone Extension
Home/Other Phone
The "Principal" profile for each row (which you set as either the organization or the individual), can also contain the following data:
- Profile Status
- Member Since Date (Member imports only)
- Category (a listing will be created as the Primary listing, unless a Primary listing already exists)
- FT Employee count
- Affiliation Codes: entered as any value that matches an existing Affiliation Code name in your system, in columns labeled "AffCode1", "AffCode2" etc. For example, "Newsletter". The numbers in the column header title indicate the number of codes being added. If more than 2 codes need to be added, simply add another column labeled "AffCode3"
- Custom Fields: entered as any value with the column header "CustomFieldID1", "CustomFieldID7" etc. The ID number in the column title should match that of the Custom Field ID in your Custom Field codes.
You can also set the relationship between the Organization and the Individual. This is usually set to Employer-Employee. These related profiles can be flagged as the Main Contact of an organization, or simply imported as employees.
On all of the imported profiles, you can choose whether the Member or Prospect flag should be set as true. You can also update the External Profile ID for the primary imported profiles.
If you are importing multiple individual profiles related to the same organization, you need identify the same organizations using the OrgMatchKey field. This value is not imported, but is used by the system to determine which organizations are the same and do not need to be imported multiple times. For example, if you have three different employees for ABC Organization, you'll need to have three rows for ABC Organization with each of the three employees info, with a "1" in the OrgMatchKey field for all three rows. The value doesn't matter - as long as OrgMatchKey is the same, the system will only import the individual and not duplicate organizations. Note that if you have enabled the "Set Related Profile as the Main Contact" setting, the last employee in the list for that organization will be the one set as the Main Contact.
When you set up your initial Excel spreadsheet, you may not include columns of data for anything that is not listed in this article. The import will not allow you to proceed until the source file is properly formatted with these columns.
* External ID is an optional database field that not all clients have by default. If you would like to turn on External ID in your database, please contact Support.